
Kubernetes Certification Practice Test #2-ReplicaSets

This is the second test in the series of practice tests and challenges for Kubernetes Certified Application Developer exam. This practice test gives you exposure to basics of ReplicaSets in Kubernetes. First inspect the environment and find answers for the questions, then fix issues with ReplicaSet definition files. Finally scale the replica set up and…

Kubernetes Challenge Series

Kubernetes Challenge Series Hello There! I’d like to introduce to you, the new Kubernetes Challenge Series on KodeKloud. We recently introduced a new feature that gives you more practice working with Kubernetes by deploying real-world applications using multiple kubernetes constructs. These challenges have a higher difficulty level than the practice exercises that accompany the lectures. The challenges test…

Kubernetes Features Every Beginner Must Know

Kubernetes being the buzz around has made enormous noise in the recent few years because of out of the box features it provides to the companies. It has become a de-facto tool for container deployments on the cloud for the firms around the globe; it has opened up a whole new era of innovation on the…

What is Ansible in DevOps and How it Works

In 2015, the world’s one of the leading open source solutions providers, Red Hat Inc. acquired Ansible, a software platform famous for its easy-to-use means for automation and development in the software powered organizations and loved by many IT people. Every company is a software-powered company these days, and automation has become crucial. With ever-increasing complex…

5 Best DevOps Tools Every Beginner Should Know

DevOps has evolved as one of the most popular software development approaches in recent years. Every software professional has a strong desire to become a DevOps expert. When it comes to DevOps, companies are necessarily asking the candidates if they know certain tools like Jenkins, Docker, Kubernetes, etc. Having the theoretical DevOps knowledge is not…

What Are The Pre-Requisites to Learn DevOps?

DevOps is ruling the world. Let me explain step by step – every company is regarded as a software company today, and every software company in today’s world is looking for automation. DevOps is the base of automation. Software is evolving fast, from autonomous cars to airplanes, everything is managed by software. Software quality, quicker…

What is CI/CD Pipeline in DevOps

DevOps is evolving rapidly and has become one of the demanding skillsets for developers who like automation and make a successful career in the software development field. Cloud is the new oil for companies and now every company is regarded as a software company, hence, the cloud has become not an option anymore but a…

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