
Kubernetes Concepts Explained!

Image source: Platform9 With Docker, you can run a single instance of the application with a simple Docker run command. In this case, to run a Node JS based application, you run the docker run nodejs command. But that’s just one instance of your application on one Docker host. What happens when the number of users…

What are PODS in Kubernetes

Here, we will take a look at PODS. POD introduction How to deploy a pod? Kubernetes doesn’t deploy containers directly on the worker node. The containers are encapsulated into a Kubernetes object called POD. A POD is a single instance of an application. A POD is the smallest object that you can create in Kubernetes…

Top DevOps Queries Answered

In this blog, we are going to be answering some of your most pressing questions about the fast growing trend known as DevOps! What is DevOps? Many people have varying opinions on what DevOps is defined as, and the answer you receive will depend on who you are asking. However, at a high level DevOps…

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