
Our Values

Our values

Why we do what we do

Education should Be Enjoyed, Not Endured.

Education should Be Enjoyed

So many things are wrong in the world of IT education (and a lot of education in general).

The world will tell you that some education is meant to be hard, boring, unengaging, uninteresting, uninspiring. Yet, you need to just endure it.

We disagree. We believe in a different world. We believe education needs to be enjoyed, inspiring, engaging and interesting. And we will keep working until we reach that goal.

We think people have given up because they stopped dreaming of making education better.

Thanks to the internet, things are starting to change for the better. Education is being democratized, and online courses are improving at a pace like never before.

Especially when it comes to technical education, servers, coding, computers – it has been acceptable to teach it in the most uninspiring way (with a terminal and someone who has no life in them speak with a monotonous voice and bore you to death).

We say no to that. We are here to put an end. No matter what it is, there is a way to make it better, engaging, intriguing, inspiring if we just tried enough and dared to dream.

Never Stop Finding Ways to Explain Complicated Stuff in Simpler Ways.

never stop

There is a moment in time, when a person understands a complicated concept. And it just clicks in their head. It is a moment of joy and satisfaction having understood something that was hard to grasp… *finally*.

Finally… that smile, that relaxed deep breath.

We are here to create those moments.

We believe by making the complicated, simple to understand we make life better for everyone. Everything is a little bit easier, more understood and unnecessary struggles are reduced.

Complicated systems and flows are everywhere in our society not just technology. By helping people inside these systems see and understand what’s around them better, we make the system far more efficient and useful.

We love helping the world visualize and learn complicated systems by simplifying them. This makes it accessible to far more, and thereby enabling more people to use, improve and understand these systems.

We don’t think anything should be rocket science including rocket science itself. There is a way to break it down and make it simpler so it is understood by far more than it is.

You Haven’t Learned Anything Until You’ve Practised It.

Practised It

Today, people consume information in massive amounts. This level of information transfer (thanks to the high speed internet) was considered impossible even just a few years ago.

We feel good just by watching videos, reading a few blog posts (or even books). But then, when it comes to actually using it, there is a big gap.

There is a big misconception that people think that information = knowledge.

Gathering information without experience is useless when you pursue learning anything deep. Knowledge of the highest level is acquired only when we mix information and gain experience by applying it.

Often times, some of us can even feel paralysed when it comes to applying the information because the fact that we lack the actual practise and experience can take a while to settle into our brains.

This is why we don’t stop with our video lectures. We invest massive amounts of our team’s energy, money and time in our interactive and gamified labs. We don’t just spin an empty container and call it hands-on practice labs. We spend weeks designing every exercise in our labs so you will love your learning.

You Give Your 200% and Then It Begins.

Give Your 200%

Today there are a lot of brands who launch all kinds of products, and services that are half-baked in the name of ‘moving fast’.

We don’t believe in launching anything half-baked. We believe our imperfection begins at our 200%.

And then we don’t stop there.

We improve by collecting feedback continuously at key points in your journey. So hence we begin at 200% and improve it from there.

Every thing we do we plan, craft and design carefully and reflect on it, improve it all with the goal of making it a remarkable experience for our students.

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