
Certified Kubernetes Administrator Exam Series (Part-3): Logging & Monitoring

Introduction to Logging and Monitoring Logging and Monitoring of Kubernetes cluster components and containerized applications is crucial to debugging and lifecycle management.  Where a basic difference between the two is –  Monitoring involves the consistent examination of components to gain an understanding of their health status.  Logging involves the recording of cluster events so that…

Certified Kubernetes Application Developer Course

A Kubernetes Certification can take your career to a whole new level. Learn, practice, and get certified on Kubernetes with hands-on labs right in your browser. Learning Kubernetes is essential for any DevOps professional. DevOps engineers are always in demand. Currently the average Silicon Valley salary for a DevOps engineer is 20% higher than what…

Kubernetes Certification Practice Test #2-ReplicaSets

This is the second test in the series of practice tests and challenges for Kubernetes Certified Application Developer exam. This practice test gives you exposure to basics of ReplicaSets in Kubernetes. First inspect the environment and find answers for the questions, then fix issues with ReplicaSet definition files. Finally scale the replica set up and…

Kubernetes Challenge Series

Kubernetes Challenge Series Hello There! I’d like to introduce to you, the new Kubernetes Challenge Series on KodeKloud. We recently introduced a new feature that gives you more practice working with Kubernetes by deploying real-world applications using multiple kubernetes constructs. These challenges have a higher difficulty level than the practice exercises that accompany the lectures. The challenges test…

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